Golden Power International Capital Group Limited

Golden Power International Capital Group Limited was incorporated as a Private Company Limited by Shares in Hong Kong on August 22,2017. Status:Dissolved.


  • Register Number: 2569278
  • Chinese Name: 金電國際資本集團有限公司
  • English Name: Golden Power International Capital Group Limited
  • Date of Establishment: August 22,2017
  • Cancellation Date: November 20,2020
  • Company Category: Private Company Limited by Shares
  • Active Status: Dissolved

More Information

  • Register of Charges: UnavailableUnavailable
  • Name of History: 2017年8月22日
    Golden Power International Capital Group Limited
  • Administrative Division: Yau Tsim Mong
  • Sub District: Yau Ma Tei
  • Street: Pitt Street

Annual Review Time

According to sections 107 and 109 of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, all companies are required to submit returns in a specified format to the Registrar of Companies every year. The content includes: Hong Kong company business registration annual fee renewal, annual return filing fee, employee salaries tax declaration, and Hong Kong company's registered address and legal secretary's review in the following year. Hong Kong company annual review time: 42 days from the anniversary of the establishment of the corporation.

  • Annual Review Year
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • 2024
  • 2024/22/08
  • 2024/02/10
  • 2025
  • 2025/22/08
  • 2025/02/10